Water storage and cleaning: how to prepare for any disaster, part 3 On YouTube.
Having water on hand, storage and cleaning all issues, preparing and surviving a disaster. Please note below the links and instructions. WaterBob: www.amazon.com ceramic water filter system drinking water www.cheaperthandirt.com & Video HOW TO SHOCK WITH POOL: * Add 1 heaping tablespoon of dry chlorine (calcium hypocholorite / pool shock) in 2 liters of liquid water (stock) chlorine. * Mix 1 pint (16 ounces) of chlorine warehouse in 12.5 liters of dirtWater. * Let stand for 30 miniutes. - Strong smell of chlorine can rest more or mix between two buckets of aerated. ================ 5 pounds of shock pool is 640 gallons of storage Clore / bleach. 1 liters to 200 liters of chlorinated water storage. 5 pounds of shock 128,000 gallons of pool water clean drinking water. * 1 heaping tablespoon of dry Clore 2 liters of water to 1 part bleach to 2 gallons to 100 parts water dirtly Clore * 1 liter of liquid Clore equal to 12.5 liters to makeDirty water and let stand in a mixture is 3-4 hours in the Clore Clorox Bleach RATIO FOR CLEANING THE WATER evaperate Clorox Bleach Regular 2 drops per quart of water 8 drops of Regular Clorox Bleach per gallon of 1 / 2 Bleach Water teaspoon regular Clorox to a gallon of water if the water is cloudy, double the recommended dose of Clorox Bleach. Regular Clorox Bleach Only (not fresh or fresh lemon scent). To ensure that Clorox Bleach is at its maximum power, turn or replace theStorage ...
Tags: Water Storage, Water Purification, Emergency Water Storage, waterbob, Ceramic Water Filter, Clorox Water Purification
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